Building good software is a herculean task if we don't truly understand what the customer expects the software to do, how he envisions people will use it and why she/he wants to build it in the first place.

That's why when our team gets a briefing we question everything and never touch a single line of computer code until we feel comfortable with the project and we are able to put ourselves in the shoes of the people that will really use the software.

We then map out all the high level tasks that need a to be completed and we group them by similarities.

This visual representation of tasks allows us to show the customer what we will be building and adapt it to the budget available for the project.

This is typically what happens in the first week of a new project.

Starting with week two we organize our Kanban workflow and commit ourselves to build things that we can show the customer by the end of every single week.

But what if the customer only has a very rough idea about what he wants to build? That's when our team over at Business Development and Ideation can step in and help.